Inclement Weather Overview

Inclement Weather Service Disruption Overview

There may be times during the school year where it may be necessary to cancel student transportation due to adverse weather conditions.

Every attempt is made to provide the public with information on student transportation cancellations by 6:00 a.m. The announcement will be posted on DSBN, Niagara Catholic and NSTS websites and socials. Local radio and television stations are also notified to disseminate this information to the public.

Student Transportation Cancellation Decision

NSTS makes the final decision for student transportation cancellations after consultation with service providers and municipal partners. NSTS considers the actual weather conditions, the forecasted weather and impact or projected impact on road conditions during the peak student transportation windows. After consultations, NSTS evaluates the ability of the student transportation system to operate safety and reliably to school, and home from school, and makes the decision to operate with delays to drive according to the road and weather conditions or to cancel partial or full operations for the school day.

For the detailed procedure and information for student transportation inclement weather decision-making CLICK HERE

School Closure Decision & School Board Procedure

The school board's Director of Education makes the decision to close schools. School closure information is announced using the same channels and socials as student transportation cancellations.

For DSBN's Inclement Weather Information CLICK HERE

For Niagara Catholic's Inclement Weather Information CLICK HERE

Parents/Guardians Make the Final Decision

Please note that parents and/or guardians make the final decision on whether or not to send their child to the bus stop and/or school in inclement weather conditions.